Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I am so very grateful for the relief society and the sweet sisters in our ward. I've always kind of been "that kind of person" who complains about going Visiting Teaching and doing all the things we are expected to do as "sisters" in the ward thinking that I don't have time for any of it. I have truly never depended on it...until this past week. I have such a strong testimony of the relief society and know that our Father in Heaven truly was inspired and "knew" what he was doing when the relief society was "put into action." During these past two weeks that T'chad has been out of town I got really sick. I was barely able to take care of myself, let alone my poor girls. I turned on the computer one day to recieve an email from a sister in my ward that I have only met briefly for literally 5 minutes while we passed eachother in the bathroom during church a few months ago. Within 20 minutes, she had arranged to bring the girls and I dinner, and for dinners to be brought to us the rest of the week. She also invited the girls and I over for lunch and for me to go home and sleep and she would take care of the girls. She already has 4 girls of her own, a newborn AND twins included in the mix. :) I read this email and instantly tears were streaming down my face. This woman doesn't know me from Adam, but she geniunely cared. I have a VERY hard time accepting help from anyone, let alone someone I don't know, but I must have been in pretty bad shape, because I accepted. I was deeply humbled and so grateful for the relief society. From right then and there I decided I would do everything in my power to serve more and be a better example to those I come in contact with. It's so nice to know that even though I couldn't depend on ANY family who live here in New Mexico, I could count on the relief society sisters. Thank you girls!!! I am deeply GRATEFUL!!!


Brooke Blackham said...

awwww! i so happy they took care of you. i'm horrible at helping others too and i even say i don't have time but these mother's who have way more kids than me manage to do's pretty humbling. i love you and hope you feel better soon!

Ashley said...

I sorry to hear that you have been so sick. That sticks even when you have a husband in town! The RS is awesome and I think most of us feel like we don't do as much as we could. It is good to have those humbling experiences every once in awhile. I miss you and wish we lived closer cause I would love to help you! Hope you feel better soon. Love ya

Unknown said...

From your New Mexico family- please let us know the next time you need us, we are here for you....