Monday, March 30, 2009

A Day at the Zoo

It was spring break last week for the kids in school, so we decided to jam pack the week with fun things to do since we don't get a chance in the week usually with the girls schedule with school and playdates and other activities. We went to see Bolt in the dollar movie theatre, went to the aquarium, the zoo, went to see the new movie Monsters vs. Aliens, storytime a few times at Barnes and Noble where the girls LOVE listening to the stories, making art projects, and eating snacks at the bookstore. We made several trips to their favorite place to eat...Red Robin...yuck...but they love it. They were exhausted by the end of the week and now it's monday and they are ready to start back at school today. These pictures are at the zoo. We invited Dakota to come along for some fun and besides the cold wind it was a great day.

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