Friday, January 1, 2010


2009 was a great year for our family. I know that money has been tight and we've had to cut back on a few things, but overall, 2009 has brought us many wonderful memories and blessings. We started the year off by finding out I was pregnant with our 3rd girl. Taiyah graduated from preschool. Addie was accepted to a WONDERFUL preschool. We took many wonderful trips which included camping a few times, the lake a few more times, keeping cool in the pool and Taiyah learing how to swim! Durango and our wonderful roadtrip to Montana.Taiyah and Addie are really getting good at soccer and look forward to their practices and games each week. Addie started preschool and has grown leaps and bounds with her speech! She's riding the bus to school and learning so much. Taiyah started Kindergarden and suprises us and her teachers daily with her knowledge. Charly was a wonderful addition to our family. She is such a sweet, happy and mellow spirit. We ended the year with a great trip to Durango again with some friends and had a most amazing experience riding the Polar Express Train with the girls. We have all been healthy and happy and have grown closer as a family. We've turned off the TV more and read books and play lot's of games instead. We are so blessed and grateful for all that we truly have. We are excited to close on a wonderful year and to open new adventures in 2010. We love and miss all our friends and family that we don't get to see as often as we would like and keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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